First-Semester Entry Information Session (virtual)

The Morehead Honors College will hold virtual information sessions on first-semester entry for current UGA students in their first semester. Registration is required at Sessions will be held: October 5, 11AM-12PM October 11, 5:30-6:30 PM October 17, 5:30-6:30 PM October 23, 12:30-1:30 PM For more information on first-semester entry, visit

Honors Information Session

Moore Hall 108 Herty Drive, Athens, GA, United States

Honors Information Sessions offer prospective students and their families a comprehensive overview of the Jere W. Morehead Honors College experience. These sessions are intended for current high school students, and topics will include the history of the Honors College and its current makeup, academic programming and opportunities, and student life. A Q&A period will conclude […]

Honors Book Discussion with Dr. Emily Sahakian

Moore Hall 108 Herty Drive, Athens, GA, United States

REGISTRATION REQUIRED - All book discussion sign-ups announced at the beginning of the semester on the Honors listserv Book: HUMANITARIAN AFTERSHOCKS IN HAITI by Mark Schuller Discussion Leader: Dr. Emily Sahakian, Associate Professor of Theatre & Film Studies and Romance Languages Date: Friday, October 6, 3:00-5:00pm Location: Moore Hall 116 Description: The 2010 earthquake in […]

Honors in Washington & Savannah – Information Session

Miller Learning Center 48 Baxter Street, Athens, GA, United States

Miller Learning Center, room 0081 Pizza and drinks served - no registration required.   Come out to an information session to learn about the Honors in Washington and Honors in Savannah internships! Past recipients will speak about their experiences and share advice for putting together a competitive application. The application for Honors in Washington and […]

First-Semester Entry Information Session (virtual)

The Morehead Honors College will hold virtual information sessions on first-semester entry for current UGA students in their first semester. Registration is required at Sessions will be held: October 5, 11AM-12PM October 11, 5:30-6:30 PM October 17, 5:30-6:30 PM October 23, 12:30-1:30 PM For more information on first-semester entry, visit

Honors Information Session

Moore Hall 108 Herty Drive, Athens, GA, United States

Honors Information Sessions offer prospective students and their families a comprehensive overview of the Jere W. Morehead Honors College experience. These sessions are intended for current high school students, and topics will include the history of the Honors College and its current makeup, academic programming and opportunities, and student life. A Q&A period will conclude […]

UGA Early Action application deadline

The UGA Early Action Admissions application deadline is October 15, 2023. Prospective first-year students interested in the Foundation Fellowship must apply to UGA Early Action by the October 15 deadline. Contact: [email protected] Application:

Honors Information Session

Moore Hall 108 Herty Drive, Athens, GA, United States

Honors Information Sessions offer prospective students and their families a comprehensive overview of the Jere W. Morehead Honors College experience. These sessions are intended for current high school students, and topics will include the history of the Honors College and its current makeup, academic programming and opportunities, and student life. A Q&A period will conclude […]

Upcoming Honors Events

Welcome to the Morehead Honors College! Whether you are a current Honors student, a high schooler or parent looking for more information, or an Honors alum, we have events scheduled just for you.

Our calendar includes upcoming information sessions, external scholarship application deadlines, lunchbox lectures, book discussions, important semester dates, and events for our alumni and friends, among other items.

Learn More

Get Connected With Honors

Morehead Honors College
115 Moore Hall
Athens, GA 30602
[email protected]